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Strengthening the Danish energy export is the key to a successful green reboot

At the Green Export Day 2020, ensuring a green reboot and boosting the Danish energy export were the main topics. Several representatives from The Trade Council of Denmark in North America joined in on the discussion and shared insights from the U.S with the Danish energy industry.

Exporting energy technology is one of the core elements of the Danish Government’s plan to reduce the carbon footprint with 70 percent by 2030. After a record-setting 2019, where the export of energy technology accounted for 13.5 percent of the total Danish export, a setback in 2020, however, is expected due to the COVID-19 crisis.

According to DI – Confederation of Danish Industry, Denmark is the country in the world, where energy export contributes the most to the accumulated export, and the high specialization makes the Danish economy very dependent on continuous growth in this field.

Thus, boosting the Danish export within energy technology is crucial, not only from a climate perspective but also economically. The question is, how do we do strengthen exports in midst of a global pandemic?

During today’s Green Export Day 2020, this question was the centre of attention, when 200 participants from the Danish energy sector gathered to share experiences and gain insights from important export markets.

Several advisors from The Trade Council in North America as well as the Danish Ambassador to the U.S., Lone Dencker Wisborg, were among the presenters to provide new insights from the market and discuss how to utilize the knowledge, partnerships and networks across the Danish missions with the Danish companies.

Export Day
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At DI – Confederation of Danish Industry we are committed to doing something about the ongoing export crisis. We need to kick-start the export efforts and maximize the outcome of the existing partnerships within energy and climate policy around the world. Sharing insights from strategic markets through workshops significantly signals that The Trade Council and energy advisors at the Danish missions are ready to assist the companies globally. The contacts we establish today can help strengthen the export of tomorrow.

Hans Peter Slente Senior Advisor at DI - Confederation of Danish Industry

New Export and investment packages aim to assist Danish companies in utilizing the new market opportunities covid-19 has created

Around the world, countries are committed to rebooting the economy in the aftermath of Covid-19 – and in many countries it seems like this reboot is going to be green.

With vast investment in renewables and energy efficient technologies, new market opportunities appear, and the U.S. is no exception. Multiple states are committed to a green energy transition, and vast opportunities within offshore wind, biogas, district heating and energy efficiency lies ahead, despite the present delays due to Covid-19.

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Around the world, Denmark is known as a global leader when it comes to renewable energy and energy efficiency. At the moment, we are facing great challenges, but rebooting the economy and regaining export, especially within this field, is a top priority at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2020 and 2021.

Lone Dencker Wisborg Ambassador of Denmark to the United States

One of the recent initiatives to strengthen the Danish export is the newly established export and investment packages. With reduced pricing, free Covid-19 counselling and improved conditions for export promotion, The Trade Council has adjusted the services in order to assist the Danish companies, SMVs in particular, in the best way possible.

Over the last few months, the trade advisors around the Danish missions have been working diligently to adjust to this new reality, and make sure that our services are creating tangible value for our partners. Being boots on the ground and keeping the companies up to date on recent developments in the market have been the core of our work,” Lone Dencker Wisborg, continues.

Read more: How can the Export and Investment packages help your company in regaining exports?

We need to stand united in these challenging times

Renew Energy is one of the Danish companies that has been affected by the challenges Covid-19 has presented.

Covid-19 has made it impossible for us to travel to the U.S. to meet potential and existing clients. The last couple of months have not been without challenges, but in our experience the market continues to evolve, even though delays must be expected,” Poul Ejner Rasmussen, Managing Director and CEO of Renew Energy, explains.


During one of today’s 13 sector specific workshops, Renew Energy shared their experiences from the U.S. biogas market with companies in similar situations – and the message from the CEO of Renew Energy, was clear:

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Renew Energy alone can only present a part of the solution to the demand on the U.S. market. With other Danish companies alongside us, we can provide a full solution. That is why we are here today - we need to share experiences with our colleagues in the industry, and we need to stand together as one, learn from each other, and support each other within the markets.

Poul Ejner Rasmussen Managing Director and CEO of Renew Energy

Joining forces with other companies in the industry is one of the approaches that is well tested at The Trade Council in North America. Through the years, several alliances has instigated projects, and transatlantic partnerships have come to fruition.

In the U.S., we know from experience, that an alliance based approach can help Danish companies achieve orders. Knowledge-sharing is a very valuable tool not only from a business perspective but also when it comes to governmental collaborations. Learning from best practices and sharing experiences is very significant for the Danish approach, and after participating in today’s event, I am confident that we will overcome future obstacles, regain lost exports and ensure a green reboot - together,” Lone Dencker Wisborg finishes.

What is the Green Export Day?

The Green Energy Export Day 2020 presents Danish companies with current market insights and provides access to advisors and experts from key export markets in order to strengthen the export efforts within energy technology.

The Green Export Day 2020 is co-hosted by DI – Confederation of Danish Industry, the Danish Energy Agency, Dansk Energi, the Danish Board of District Heating, Wind Denmark, the Ministry of Foreign affairs, and State of Green.