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We navigate your Life Science company towards increased exports

Danish Life Science companies are driving the export of products like never before, but local health authorities are often difficult to deal with. The Trade Council assists you in navigating the jungle of regulations and non-transparent legislation.

Our Global Health Care Team helps companies with their exports of life science, medtech, pharma and health care products throughout the world. Read, for example (in Danish), how Novo Nordisk and ALK have increased their exports with help from The Trade Council.

Many companies within the health sector often describe exporting as “difficult” and “lacking in transparency”, and they feel the same way when having to manoeuvre through different regulatory levels and procedures in an effort to establish dialogue with local health authorities around the world. Therefore, Danish companies within life science, medtech and health care benefit greatly from The Trade Council’s help and advice towards understanding the legislation and culture of local health care markets. 

The export activities of companies are assisted by our Global Health Care Team, comprising advisers and experts who can guide your company through the often complex, changing and inconsistent regulation in the global health care markets.

Exporting life science, pharma and health care products requires regular and close dialogue with the local authorities if the barriers to market access are to be overcome as easily and elegantly as possible. This places increased demands on regulatory expertise and efficient processes in your company. 

In this regard, the close cooperation with public authorities on export matters is one of The Trade Council’s key areas of expertise. Our network opens doors for many Danish companies engaged in medtech, health care and pharma. 



Life science and export: What does the market look like?

Denmark is one of the leading exporters of life science products. This position must be used as a platform for ensuring an additional increase in exports up to 2025.
The life science industry provides a substantial contribution to the Danish economy and accounts for a greater proportion of Danish exports than ever before. 

During the last few years, Danish companies have increased their exports of medicines, health and tech, such as medical and assistive equipment, from DKK 66 billion to DKK 108 billion, representing an increase of 63 per cent. 

The Trade Council can help expand your company’s exports to both new and existing markets. Our advisers and experts are present in all of Denmark’s important export markets – including the market for life science. Your company will always be ensured export sparring and thereafter a customised export plan, ensuring that your company is prepared in the best possible way to increase its exports.